Pakistani tribesmen publicly executed two criminals accused of a series of murders and kidnappings...

Armed Pakistani Islamic militant guards two criminals before their public execution by Islamic militants in Bara, the main town in Khyber tribal region on December 23, 2008. Pakistani tribesmen publicly executed two criminals accused of a series of murders and kidnappings for ransom in a troubled area near the Afghan border. Tribesmen blindfolded the two criminals and tied their hands behind their backs before shooting them with rifles in Bara, the main town in Khyber tribal region

Armed Pakistani Islamic militants escort two criminals before their public execution by Islamic militants in Bara, the main town in Khyber tribal region on December 23, 2008. Pakistani tribesmen publicly executed two criminals accused of a series of murders and kidnappings for ransom in a troubled area near the Afghan border. Tribesmen blindfolded the two criminals and tied their hands behind their backs before shooting them with rifles in Bara, the main town in Khyber tribal region

Armed Pakistani Islamic militants watch the public execution of two criminals in Bara, the main town in Khyber tribal region on December 23, 2008. Pakistani tribesmen publicly executed two criminals accused of a series of murders and kidnappings for ransom in a troubled area near the Afghan border. Tribesmen blindfolded the two criminals and tied their hands behind their backs before shooting them with rifles in Bara, the main town in Khyber tribal region

Armed Pakistani Islamic militants guard two criminals before their public execution by Islamic militants in Bara, the main town in Khyber tribal region on December 23, 2008. Pakistani tribesmen publicly executed two criminals accused of a series of murders and kidnappings for ransom in a troubled area near the Afghan border. Tribesmen blindfolded the two criminals and tied their hands behind their backs before shooting them with rifles in Bara, the main town in Khyber tribal region

Relatives of deceased taxi driver shot two criminals in public after they were handed down capital punishment by Islamic militants in Bara, the main town in Khyber tribal region on December 23, 2008. Pakistani tribesmen publicly executed two criminals accused of a series of murders and kidnappings for ransom in a troubled area near the Afghan border. Tribesmen blindfolded the two criminals and tied their hands behind their backs before shooting them with rifles in Bara, the main town in Khyber tribal region

Pakistani Islamic militants carry the body of a criminal in public after they were handed down capital punishment by Islamic militants in Bara, the main town in Khyber tribal region on December 23, 2008. Pakistani tribesmen publicly executed two criminals accused of a series of murders and kidnappings for ransom in a troubled area near the Afghan border. Tribesmen blindfolded the two criminals and tied their hands behind their backs before shooting them with rifles in Bara, the main town in Khyber tribal region

A relative of deceased taxi driver shot two criminals in public after they were handed down capital punishment by Islamic militants in Bara, the main town in Khyber tribal region on December 23, 2008. Pakistani tribesmen publicly executed two criminals accused of a series of murders and kidnappings for ransom in a troubled area near the Afghan border. Tribesmen blindfolded the two criminals and tied their hands behind their backs before shooting them with rifles in Bara, the main town in Khyber tribal region

A Pakistani Islamic militant guards two criminals before their public execution by Islamic militants in Bara, the main town in Khyber tribal region on December 23, 2008. Pakistani tribesmen publicly executed two criminals accused of a series of murders and kidnappings for ransom in a troubled area near the Afghan border. Tribesmen blindfolded the two criminals and tied their hands behind their backs before shooting them with rifles in Bara, the main town in Khyber tribal region