the 63rd Avignon International Theatre festival.

French Philippe Demarle (L) and Alexandre Zeff, acting respectively as Polynice and Eteocle, perform a scene of the play "Sous l'oeil d'Oedipe" (Under the Eye of Oedipus) adapted from Sophocles and Euripides and directed by French Joel Jouanneau at the Mistral High School, on July 10, 2009, in Avignon, as part of the 63rd Avignon International Theatre festival.

French Jacques Bonnaffe (L) and Hedi Tillette de Clermont-Tonnerre, respectively as Oedipe and Tiresias, perform a scene of the play "Sous l'oeil d'Oedipe" (Under the Eye of Oedipus) adapted from Sophocles and Euripides and directed by French Joel Jouanneau at the Mistral High School, on July 10, 2009, in Avignon, as part of the 63rd Avignon International Theatre festival.

Actors of Needcompany theater company perform a scene of the play "La maison des cerfs" (The deer house) written and directed by Belgian Jan Lauwers, on July 11, 2009 in Avignon, southern France, as part of the 63rd Avignon International Theatre festival.

Japanese Yumiko Funaya, member of Needcompany theater company, performs a scene of the play "La maison des cerfs" (The deer house) written and directed by Belgian Jan Lauwers, on July 11, 2009 in Avignon, southern France, as part of the 63rd Avignon International Theatre festival.

(L-R) Belgian Maarten Seghers, British Inge Van Bruystegem, Indonesian Grace Ellen Barkey, Norwegian Hans petter Dahl, British Misha Downey and Japanese Yumiko Funaya, members of the Needcompany theater company, perform a scene of the play "La maison des cerfs" (The deer house) written and directed by Belgian Jan Lauwers, on July 11, 2009 in Avignon, southern France, as part of the 63rd Avignon International Theatre festival.
Belgian Maarten Seghers, a member of the Needcompany theater company, performs a scene of the play "La maison des cerfs" (The deer house) written and directed by Belgian Jan Lauwers, on July 11, 2009 in Avignon, southern France, as part of the 63rd Avignon International Theatre festival.
British Inge Van Bruystegem (L) and Belgian Vivianne De Muynck perform a scene of the play "La maison des cerfs" (The deer house) written and directed by Belgian Jan Lauwers, on July 11, 2009 in Avignon, southern France, as part of the 63rd Avignon International Theatre festival.
Belgian Vivianne De Muynck (C) performs a scene of the play "La maison des cerfs" (The deer house) written and directed by Belgian Jan Lauwers, on July 11, 2009 in Avignon, southern France, as part of the 63rd Avignon International Theatre festival.

British Misha Downey (L) and Japanese Yumiko Funaya (R) perform a scene of the play "La maison des cerfs" (The deer house) written and directed by Belgian Jan Lauwers, on July 11, 2009 in Avignon, southern France, as part of the 63rd Avignon International Theatre festival.