A relative holds the hand of a naked woman sitting on a ledge under an eleventh floor window as she attempts to commit suicide at an apartment block in Hefei, Anhui province August 9, 2010. The woman who suffers from mental disorder and had a quarrel with her husband last night, fell onto an air cushion after jumping off the window and survived, local media reported.

A combination picture shows a nude woman jumping off an eleventh floor window as she attempts to commit suicide at an apartment block in Hefei, Anhui province August 9, 2010. The woman, who suffers from mental disorder and had a quarrel with her husband on Sunday night, fell onto an air cushion after jumping off the window and survived, local media reported

A nude woman lands on an air cushion after jumping off an eleventh floor window as she attempts to commit suicide at an apartment block in Hefei, Anhui province August 9, 2010. The woman, who suffers from mental disorder and had a quarrel with her husband on Sunday night, fell onto the air cushion after jumping off the window and survived, local media reported. Picture taken August 9, 2010.