Virgin Galactic's White Knight Two jet-powered carrier aircraft flies over Spaceport America during a runway dedication ceremony in Upham, N.M. on Friday, Oct. 22, 2010

Sir Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Galactic, left, and Gov. Bill Richardson, give their stamp of approval during a dedication ceremony for the runway at Spaceport America in Upham, N.M., on Friday, Oct. 22, 2010. Branson says he expects Virgin Galactic to begin offering suborbital flights within nine to 18 months

In this publicity image released by Virgin Galactic, the first flight to Spaceport America, the world's first commercial spaceport, circles the airfield in Upham, N.M., during a dedication ceremony on Friday, Oct. 22, 2010. (AP Photo/Virgin Galactic, Mark Greenberg