Tiahuanacos and Incas more than 500 years ago...

A local Uros woman sets up a blanket to exhibit her handicrafts on one of the many Uros islands on Lake Titicaca near Puno, Peru, on May 30, 2009. The Uros floating islands were created by their pre-Columbian inhabitants during conflicts with the Tiahuanacos and Incas more than 500 years ago. The material they use to build is the reed that grows on the lake. Boats commonly take tourists on a trip from Puno along the Uros and Taquile islands; carrying hundreds of people daily, even during low season

Details of creations by German designer Daniel Rodan with art works from the East Side Gallery in Berlin, including the famous poster of Soviet President Leonid Brezhnev kissing East German Communist leader Erich Hoenecker, as they are presented by model in Berlin, Tuesday, June 9, 2009.

Local Uros men await the arrival of a tourist boat on one of the many Uros islands on Lake Titicaca near Puno, Peru, on May 30, 2009. The Uros floating islands were created by their pre-Columbian inhabitants during conflicts with the Tiahuanacos and Incas more than 500 years ago. The material they use to build is the reed that grows on the lake. Boats commonly take tourists on a trip from Puno along the Uros and Taquile islands; carrying hundreds of people daily, even during low season.

A group of tourist are seen atop of a boat heading to the Uros and Taquile islands on Lake Titicaca near Puno, Peru on May 30, 2009. The Uros floating islands were created by their pre-Columbian inhabitants during conflicts with the Tiahuanacos and Incas more than 500 years ago. The island of Taquile is inhabted by a Quechua community, who are reknown for their weaving skills, and receives hundreds of tourist daily, even during low season.